Empowering communities across the Commonwealth

Who We Are

Unite Kentucky is a Super PAC designed for the long run. We organize our communities to win elections now and create meaningful change for the future of our Commonwealth.

Our Work

Hiring and Training Local Staff

To unify democratic voters, donors, and candidates to organize, mobilize, and empower Kentucky Democrats through hiring and developing local, year-round political organizing staff.

Issues-Based Community Organizing

Rebuild trust in disenfranchised communities through issues-based organizing, engaging communities with the representatives they elect to represent them.

Mobilizing for Effective Action

Organizers will work to support passage of the Democratic legislative agenda through in-person meetings with elected officials and community leaders, canvassing, and paid communications.

Our goal is simple - to help unite Kentucky Democrats and reinforce our democratic coalition with the paid, professional organizing infrastructure that will be necessary to build a better Commonwealth for everyone.

Join Us

Unite KY is a consensus based initiative and needs input from voters like you in order to succeed. Sign up today to get involved in uniting our Commonwealth!